Distributed Test Ledger

Revolutionizing the way testing and commissioning reports are documented, stored, and delivered

TM is transforming the old ways of exchanging test data by implementing highly available, secure, and scalable blockchain solutions with built-in identity management and governance, on-chain access control, enterprise-grade performance, dynamic scale-out, and analytics integration.

Authorization layer provides permission and governance across the ecosystem
Securely share personal data and background checks between parties
Create projects and share data between them
Transfer ownership of test records and merge datasets

Integrate with KB and AI networks for predictive maintenance
Organizations can manage projects and oversee their workforce
Immutable trust is created between owners, manufacturers, and service providers

Araium DTL brings the latest advancements in AI to electrical testing analytics

Unlock new ways of doing business

Leverage the power of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to reduce risk, enhance efficiency, and maintain transparency.

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Validate your test data on the Ethereum network with ARAiUM DTL
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