ARAiUM is revolutionizing the way testing and commissioning reports are documented, stored, and delivered by leveraging the power of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to reduce risk, enhance efficiency, and maintain transparency.

For testing and commissioning contractors operating in the fast-pace construction industry, inter-company transactions between clients, commissioning, and end-users can present enormous challenges. These companies typically have multiple field service layers and inept administrative support, making it difficult for delivery in a timely, accurate, and transparent manner to meet the needs of the general contractor, as well as auditors and regulators.
The current problem with testing and commissioning reports exist across the entire service chain, from data entry to delivery:
Inaccuracy and Limited Trust
Customers put a lot of trust into their service providers. Low cost third-party testing companies will often times “pencil whip” or rush through test forms without attention to detail and then results get reviewed by administrators who have little to no field experience. Its possible for a single test form to pass through three or more hands with little oversight before it arrives to the end customer. When inconsistencies are pointed out by Level 4 inspectors, verbal exchanges often take place and test reports get revised without question or accountability.
Test reports contain an extraordinary amount of sensitive data. With the right combination of knowledge and tools, an adversary can piece together the details of an entire distribution system and how its protected. High profile clients and government entities need to keep this data secure, however, the current industry-standard solution is to send unencrypted data across the open internet to be stored in unsecured SQL databases.
Source information is usually stored in an unencrypted, password protected file on a technician hard drive and distributed among all technicians in the company, presenting a huge data breach risk. The data is all controlled by the testing company. Clients who utilize multiple service providers must create their own way of collecting, centralizing and analyzing this data.
Interoperability and Delivery
The relationship between third-party testing and Level 4 commissioning is nearly conjugal. Traditional electronic reporting methods are about as efficient as snail mail in a world where contractors and clients need to monitor progress in real-time.
Test reports are often delivered by PDF or other electronic document that is easily changed after delivery. Password protected PDFs and Watermarks can help combat this issue but its an extra step most companies dont take, and its still possible to forge a document with these protections.
How can a testing company and end user be sure that nothing was lost in the translation and every revision was documented without extensive litigation?
The Solution is Collaborative Blockchain
ARAiUM is transforming the old ways of exchanging test data by implementing highly available, secure, and salable blockchain solutions with built-in identity management and governance, on-chain access control, enterprise-grade performance, dynamic scale-out, and analytics integration.
Documents on the blockchain are instantly visible to all parties involved, level 4 commissioning can be approved quickly and asset owners can monitor progress in real time. All data is distributed and backed up across multiple secure network nodes.
This enables new ways of doing business – more transparent, real-time, and with an unalterable ledger of records and events. The result is increasing trust amongst remote participants and accelerated information exchange.